Monday, April 4, 2011

GO! Team

This week at Desert Springs we announced the formation of a new vehicle for Outreach and Service Projects: The GO! Team.
The most exciting aspect of this team, I feel, is the opportunity it provides us in the Life Groups Ministry to put feet to the gospel in new ways!

As of today, all of our Life Group Leaders are on the contact list for the GO! Team, which means they will each receive an e-mail when a new outreach or service opportunity is available. My goal here is to see every one of our Life Groups get out there and participate in one or more outreach or service projects per year.

Some of the plans already lined up include helping with a meal at the Coachella Valley Rescue Mission; giving blood at an upcoming Blood Drive with the Community Blood Bank; or distributing food with Meals on Wheels at the Joslyn Center.

IF YOU would like to get involved, contact Laura Keener ( today! She'd also love some suggestions for future projects.

Many more opportunities will come in the future, and I know that this is a great direction for Desert Springs to be going!