Wednesday, October 21, 2009

New Groups!

I'm excited to announce that we have a couple of new groups that have begun or are beginning soon!

First off, the Ramsers, who are leading the group that multiplied from ours, began their new group last night out in La Quinta. Forrest and Courtney Ramser are in their mid-20's, married for a little less than two years and have a sweet little baby boy, 'Baby Forrest'. Their group currently has eight members, all in their 20's and 30's, and is studying 'Love & Respect'.

Secondly, Jean Smith will be starting a new group exclusively for women which will meet in Sun City Shadow Hills on Thursday evenings beginning on November 5th. Meeting time is still to be determined, but Jean is excited to get this group going!

Our own group now meets on Tuesday evenings, and since we just multiplied, our numbers are down to 9 - this means that there is room for growth in all three of these groups at this time, so if you meet anyone who might enjoy visiting us, please get them in touch with me!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Joy... Multiplied!

This coming Monday evening, my Life Group will celebrate its final evening as one larger group, and the beginning of something new! The following week, Forrest and Courtney Ramser, who have been a part of our group for the past 8 months or so, will begin a new Life Group, taking about half of the existing group with them.

This is the result of a model we have used here at Desert Springs for the past couple of years, referred to as 'Multiplication' of groups, and one that we will be phasing out as we move forward with the Life Groups ministry. It's an approach that I cut my group-leadership teeth on, and while it can be utilized effectively, I have seen more resistance to it than acceptance of it!

Just a few months ago, you would have heard me fight tooth and nail to hold onto this way of thinking; so what has changed? Well, it all began when someone shared an article with me by Larry Osborne, author of 'Sticky Church'. It challenged my thinking about the value of 'multiplying' groups for the first time in years, and at the time I didn't fully understand what Larry was trying to say.

Since then, I've had several conversations with people about a different way to do things, and attended the Custom Small Groups Workshop at North Coast Church in Oceanside. Through all of this, God has slowly drawn back the curtain on the approach I am now adopting in the Life Groups ministry.

The bottom line is this: any groups ministry (or church for that matter) must have a strategy for future growth and development of new leaders. Without such a plan, any ministry is destined to find itself in an 'evolutionary cul-de-sac', peaking out when the number of people in a small group is too great for authentic relationships to be sustained, or when the number of available leaders cannot support additional growth.

Perhaps even worse, growing a ministry by what I call 'cold-calling', or recruiting new leaders without developing proper vision and training in them, will create false growth that soon collapses in on itself. I've experienced this first-hand!

So, how do we multiply leadership and grow the Life Groups ministry without 'mulitplication' of groups? The answer is simple: recruit leaders to start new groups from within the existing ones, and run groups during limited-term sessions. This provides natural entry and exit points for group members, and a more relaxed approach to launching new groups. True, this may seem different from our old model by only a matter of degrees and semantics, but it makes all the difference in the world!

I'll post more about this in the weeks to come, but for now, know this: the era of pressure to multiply is over! There is much to look forward to in the months to come, and I believe God is preparing to grow this ministry in a new way, like we've never seen before!

Monday, October 5, 2009


Just so you are all aware, we keep an up-to-date list of our Life Groups available on our website! This list includes the names of all of our group leaders, when and where their groups meet and contact information you can use to reach them! I've included a link to it right here so you can take a look for yourself.